Ponce de Leon Inlet - Volusia, FL Fishing Report on 1st Apr, 2023
Published Date: April 1, 2023
I found him in Florida
Ponce de Leon Inlet - Volusia, FL
The weeks of “forecast light” are over and we can thank opening day for that! While meaning no disrespect to the Fenway Faithful, the opening days I’m referring to have nothing to do with base-running or fly balls but rather lake trout, landlocked salmon, haddock and cod! Massachusetts South Shore/South Coast Fishing Report It’s not unusual to feature Captain Mark Rowell of Legit Fish Charters in the South Shore report but this time I found him in Florida which is a little more southerly than this column usually covers. Once he got through tormenting me with tales of snook, sea trout, redfish and permit, we got to “real fish”, namely cod and haddock. The GOM cod season begins April 1st and for now ends April 14th with a one fish per person bag limit at 22” minimum. Also at least for the month of April is a 20 fish bag limit for haddock at a minimum of 17”. Moving into May regulations are to be decided. Soon the skipper will be shoving off from his slip in Scituate for those two species and when asked how far out he said, “You could reach them with your kayak!”. Just outside of Duxbury in about 70’ of water both bottom dwellers were swimming for much of the spring last year! He also passed along a tip on tautog as numbers seem to be on the uptick around Minot Ledge.
"On The Water"
No Other Anglers
Water clarity
Clear, 2-6 Feet
Scenic setting
Clear & Open